Our Story

The only registered charity in the UK solely dedicated to providing emergency medical response vehicles. Each vehicle can arrive within those vital seconds/minutes before a road or air ambulance to initiate lifesaving treatment.

Arrive Alive registered charity was founded by a mother on a mission to save lives, Debbie Roscoe. Following her youngest daughters life threatening case of measles in 2017, Ellie has since battled numerous life threatening illnesses from meningitis, covid, anaphylaxis along with battles with daily conditions and is reliant on a feeding tube to stay alive.

During the darkest days in hospital when it was uncertain on if her daughter would recover Debbie decided to channel her energy into something positive, she set up the UK’s only charity of its kind solely dedicated to funding lifesaving voluntary operated 999 vehicles for West Midlands Ambulance Community First Responder groups. Initially the goal was to fund one vehicle for her local area as a thank you for the wonderful care her daughter has received. Subsequently two vehicles were launched instead of just one, then the realisation of a can of worms had been opened and lots of communities needed help from Arrive Alive and the journey had only just begun.

Each Arrive Alive vehicle is on the same radio system as a standard road or air ambulance and is dispatched to a medical emergency following a 999 call, typically an Arrive Alive vehicle can reach the patient quicker than a road or air ambulance due to being based within the community, this means that life saving treatment can be delivered within those vital minutes as every second counts.

Within less than five years with no government funding, a global pandemic and the challenges of her daughters daily battles Debbie has driven Arrive Alive into funding eleven lifesaving voluntary operated 999 vehicles and various pieces of equipment for communities across the Midlands and Worcestershire. The demand is greater than ever on the vehicles with fundraising still underway for more lifesaving resources for communities.

Arrive Alive is the UK’s only registered charity that is solely dedicated to funding lifesaving voluntary operated vehicles and equipment for Community First Responders (CFR’s) approved by West Midlands Ambulance Service. CFR’s are volunteers trained by West Midlands Ambulance Service who can attend a 999 call in those vital seconds/minutes prior to a road or air ambulance. Arrive Alive is a none government or NHS funded charity.